A Spectacular River View in Richmond

Lisa’s Point of View enjoys the many trips I have made to Richmond, Virginia the past 2 years. In addition to walking the trails along the James River Park System on both sides of the river, I love the incredible views on the T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge.
I am lucky my son lives just a few block from the Potterfield Pedestrian Bridge and the vast James River Park system. When I go to visit him, I try to take advantage of the vast trails, walkways and views all along the James River.
The Potterfield Pedestrian Bridge spans 1600’ across the James River with access at on the north side at Brown Island near downtown Richmond to just off Semmes Avenue in the Manchester area on the south side of Richmond. There is also a rock climbing wall on the south side of the bridge. On the Brown Island side of the bridge is an installation with fascinating history: “ The “Three Days in April 1865”, recounts how the former Capital of the Confederate States of America fell and many of its people fled while fire consumed the city. “
“The long anticipated physical link between Brown’s Island and Manchester, this pedestrian and cycling pathway sits atop a former hydroelectric dam, some 20 feet above the river.
“Completed in 2016 and named for the late City of Richmond senior planner T. Tyler Potterfield, the bridge provides unequaled river vistas, panoramic views of the downtown skyline, along with sounds that belie the extraordinarily close relationship of the bridge to the roaring river.” via https://jamesriverpark.org/project/tyler-potterfield-memorial-bridge/
Often times you can watch people gliding along the river in their kayak or rafts. If the river is high after storms, you can realize the power of the river as it flows over the rocks on the East side of the bridge.
For me, to enter the bridge from the south side of the James River gives spectacular views of the Downtown Richmond city skyline. The pedestrian bridge is an ideal location for birdwatchers to observe the wildlife along the shorelines. It also allows pedestrians and cyclists to enjoy both sides of the city and the vast network of trails.
I encourage my followers who love enjoying nature and being outside to visit the Potterfied Pedestrian Bridge and capture all that Richmond and the vast James River Park system has to offer for running, cycling, walking and enjoying the natural beauty Richmond has to offer!
For more information on Richmond and James River Park, check out the websites below.